Sunday, March 23, 2025
10:00 am PDT – 12:30 pm PDT
UCLA William Andrews Clark Memorial Library
2520 Cimarron Street

400th Anniversary Performance of the First Woman-Composed Opera
Organized by UCLA Early Music Ensemble and L.A. Camerata
Co-sponsored by The Colburn Foundation
The UCLA Early Music Ensemble and L.A. Camerata will celebrate Early Music Month and Women’s History Month with an outdoor performance of the first opera composed by a woman. Caccini’s Alcina depicts a power struggle between two women—demigodess Melissa and sorceress Alcina—as they battle over Ruggiero and an entire island of enchanted lovers. This performance will include light staging and an ensemble of period instrumentalists. The production of this performance is made possible in part by sponsorship from the Colburn Foundation.
This production is site-specific and takes place entirely outdoors on the grounds of the Clark Library. A limited number of audience chairs will be provided, and attendees are welcome to bring blankets or low foldable chairs for additional seating.
The Clark Library property will open at 10:00 a.m. so that attendees may visit the library for a viewing of related materials from the Clark’s collection until 10:45 a.m., at which time the library building will close for the day. The performance will begin at 11:00 a.m. and will conclude at 12:30 p.m. Following the performance, all are welcome to attend a reception on the library terrace.
Directors/Producers: Marylin Winkle (Stage & Music Director); Jillian Risigari-Gai Lopez (Assistant Director); Don Smith (Production Manager).
Cast: Ariel Pisturino (Alcina); Ianthe Marini (Melissa); Jon Lee Keenan (Ruggiero); Vasken Ohanian (Nettuno, plant); Adam Faruqi (Pastore, plant); Iris Malkin (Dama disincantata); Krystal Mao (Sirena, Nunzia); Laur Trustee (Vistola Fiume, chorus); Abbey Thompson (Astolfa, chorus); Soo Bin Kwon (damsel, plant, monster); Charlotte Kelly (plant, chorus); Miranda Claxton (chorus); Ray Ingersoll (chorus); Corryn Cummins (Muse),
Sinfonia: Eli Chenevert (baroque violin); Johannes Eberhart (baroque violin); Ashley Salinas (baroque violin); Suzy Hertzberg (treble viol); Minnie Seo (baroque cello, tenor viol); Bruce Teter (recorders, musette); Gerald Cotts (recorders); Natalie White (recorders); Davis Lerner (baroque bassoon); Lucas O’Brien (sackbut); Kenny Tran (sackbut); Ray Ingersoll (trumpet); Caleb Virkstis (baroque guitar); Seamus Byrne (lute); Erin Young (theorbo); Jillian Risigari-Gai Lopez (harp); Alaina Stark (harp); Emma Yim (harpsichord); Anthony Lopez (harpsichord)
Arts on the Grounds creates intersections of literature and the performing arts. Events have included modern interpretations of classical theater and site-specific productions designed for the Clark grounds. The program engages a broad new range of audiences and brings the Library’s rich collections to life through performance.
The program is free to attend and will be held in-person on the grounds of the Clark Library. Registration has reached capacity; walk-in registrants are welcome as space permits.
Image: La liberazione di Ruggiero dall’Isola di Alcina. Alcina’s Island, Second Scene Change. Alfonso Parigi (1606-1656).