Center & Clark Quarterly #1

Table of Contents:


Researching Family Histories
Whispers & Legacies: a Conversation about the Clarks, the Posts, and the Palés

New Research Fellowship at the Clark Library

Clark Library Flora and Fauna

Music on our YouTube Channel

Students at the Clark

Reflections on Research
Taking Comedia Online, by Barbara Fuchs (UCLA)

News from our Fellows
Translating Borders / Negotiating the Past, by Richard Huddleson, Queen Mary, University of London (Ahmanson-Getty Postdoctoral Fellow)

Center & Clark Collaborations
A Transatlantic Happy Hour, by Helen Deutsch, UCLA

2021–22 Core Program
Victorian Apocalypse: The siècle at its fin

Welcome our New Librarian Ikumi Crocoll

Special Thanks